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What to Expect for 2022

05 January, 2022

Above all, we hope that everyone has been able to celebrate Christmas and the end of the year in the best way possible, together with their family members, with love, health and joy.

Always focused on the positive, which we believe is the way forward, especially in the face of the unknown or facing a more difficult reality, we would like to share some survey results and world forecasts for the new year.

In this perspective and analysing the results of a recent survey carried out by the World Economic Forum, it is concluded that there are 5 main reasons to be optimistic about 2022.

First and more relevant is that 71% of the world’s population believes that this year will be better than last year! Let’s say that this belief definitely makes a difference.

Speaking of the pandemic, it is believed that in 2022 it will move towards the state of “another current flu”, with a greater number of people vaccinated worldwide and with the experience of this last year, in terms of rules and objective measures to implement in combating the spread of the virus.

On the other hand, most people believe that this crisis has benefited the environment and society itself. In terms of the environment, 61% of respondents believe that although there may be more catastrophic environmental phenomena in 2022, they will be handled more seriously and promptly.

Regarding society, almost a third of the population surveyed believes that there is today a higher level of tolerance than one year ago, when the pandemic was starting. This tolerance may be related to greater social awareness and the rules for living in society, with more and greater respect for others.

Also in this context, the long-awaited return to normality will allow people to gradually resume their routines, returning to city canters and filling them with more life.

In economic terms, although the pandemic is not yet over, economies appear to be increasingly resilient. Consumer confidence appears to be higher for 2022, with 60% of respondents betting, for example, on greater stability for this year in terms of stock markets. Also, a reference to the labour market, there is optimism regarding new employment opportunities and even the existence of new professions and markets.

Regarding social networks, the Instagram network revealed the type of profiles that will grow and become a trend in 2022, for example: Used goods stores; Beauty products without animal testing and “minimalist” – more moderate use of makeup and cosmetics in general; Exercises at home and mental wellness activities such as meditation and yoga, among others.

According to the same network, young people looking for a job will be more focused on their personal growth potential. More than 71% said they want to do something important that makes sense rather than just thinking about the salary, while 66% think a college education is expensive and doesn’t always deliver the expected results.

For purchases, it is important for companies to know that people are more likely to purchase products and services on online platforms and social networks.

Without a crystal ball, everything becomes more difficult and they are mere guesses, some with greater foundation. At a time when it is traditional to analyse the past and project the future, we want to be confident in our ability to learn and in the good use of the tools we have at our disposal. Learn from mistakes, benefit from the experience and the entire Tech arsenal that allows us to save on an essential resource: time!

A toast to believing!

Keep safe….

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